27-07-2024, 06:34



Frank Ringel begleitet eine städtische Delegation, die in China die vorhandenen Kontakte zu befreundeten Städten ausbaut und Wuppertal als Wirtschaftsstandort präsentiert. Ganzen Beitrag von Hendrik Walder finden Sie unter www.wuppertaler-rundschau.de


Being himself a former fellowship holder, Frank Ringel is especially committed to the Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange program. A exchange program directly headed by the German parliament (Bundestag) and the US-American Congress.

Since 1983 more than 3000 participants have gained their personal and professional development as “minor ambassadors” in their host country. As a result of their participation, the have become important propagators who act from conviction, accepting responsibility for eclectic functions in the social communities of Germany and the USA.

Videos: http://vimeo.com/18907488, http://youtu.be/x32wJUKkuTI
Internett: www.bundestag.de
Austauschprogramm: www.ppp-alumni.de

"Interim. No one like us." - Involvement for Wuppertal

Ringeltaube® is part of it!

Quite naturally, we are dedicated to the city of Wuppertal. But now we want to extravert our dedication. Along with the adjective ‘INTERIM’ we support the campaign ‘Wuppertal – no one like us“, founded in 2005 by Wuppertal Marketing GmbH and its partners who derive from local economy and culture.

And this because also Ringeltaube® is a company peculiar to Wuppertal, distinct and independent. No matter what we plan and achieve, we do it on our own way, therefore: ‘Interim. No one like us’.
